Negotiations Heat Up in Washington Over Upcoming Debate Rules
Washington, D.C. is buzzing with excitement as we inch closer to the eagerly-anticipated presidential debate on September 10th, featuring Vice President Kamal Harris and former President Donald Trump. With just 15 days to go, it seems like not everything is running smoothly behind the scenes. Reports suggest that both camps are grappling over one major point of contention: whether or not to mute the microphones when it’s not their turn to speak.
The Original Deal
Back in June, there was a bit of a handshake agreement between President Biden’s campaign and Trump’s team regarding two upcoming debates. They settled on two debates, one held on June 27 and the other set for September 10. One of the key rules was that the microphones would be muted except for the candidate who is currently speaking. In fact, this was something the Trump camp had agreed to back in June when discussing the CNN debate rules.
The Twist
But with Biden stepping aside from the race, things have shifted. Now, it appears that Harris’ team is pushing for the traditional format where both candidates’ mics stay live during the entire debate. Brian Fallon, senior adviser for the Harris campaign, made it clear saying, “We believe both candidates’ mics should be live throughout the full broadcast.” This is where the real tussle begins.
Interestingly, Harris’ team thinks that Trump’s camp is opting for muted mics because they don’t believe Trump can hold his own against Harris for a full 90 minutes without losing control. There seems to be an underlying thought that Trump’s team might want to keep things tight, possibly fearful of allowing their candidate to speak freely.
The Stakes Are High
According to some insiders, Harris is more than ready to go toe-to-toe with Trump. It’s suggested that they believe she might get him to say something controversial or unrefined if he interrupts her. This has the potential to be a game-changer for the Democrats, showcasing how rattled Trump could be when faced with Harris.
The Trump Camp’s Reaction
On the flip side, the Trump campaign is seeing this as a classic bait and switch. They adamantly want to stick with the original agreement that was made before Biden stepped aside. Jason Miller, a senior adviser for Trump, voiced frustration saying, “Enough with the games. We accepted the ABC debate under the exact same terms as the CNN debate.” Their camp is concerned that introducing any new rules now seems to be an unfair maneuver.
Trump himself mentioned that he’d prefer the rules to stay consistent with what was agreed upon initially, noting, “I think it should be the same.” He actually referred to how he managed fine with the muted microphones during previous debates, stating, “It worked out fine,” hinting he’s not too keen to shake things up.
Questions Abound
To complicate matters further, Trump recently raised doubts about participating in the ABC debate altogether due to the network’s perceived bias. So, it’s a bit of a rollercoaster where no one can pin down what will happen next. Meanwhile, while Trump has suggested other debate options and formats, the upcoming showdowns still stand as a major highlight.
Misunderstandings Galore
When Miller claimed that Harris wanted a more relaxed setting with notes and a seated debate, Fallon hit back hard. He confirmed all parties had already agreed upon standing and no notes, laughing off claims that they ever suggested sitting down. It’s just another wrinkle in this already complicated negotiation process.
As of now, with the September 10th date looming closer and no resolution in sight regarding the microphone rules, it’s safe to say this debate could be as thrilling off-stage as it will be on-stage. Whether we’ll be watching a free-for-all showdown or a well-muffled exchange remains to be seen. Stay tuned as this drama unfolds!